#include("javascript.txt") ## ## ## score related form parameters ## ## S_StrategyDescription1 - text ## S_StrategyDescription2 - text ## S_StrategyDescription3 - text ## S_PostScore - true or false ## -- if true, causes the model variable SCORE to be saved

Oakland Baseball Simworld 1.2

Here, we want to learn of the rationale for your decisions. In other words, what was your business strategy in running the organization? Please answer the questions in the text fields below, then press the "save score information" button at the bottom of the page to store your entry.

Current Score $!Values.Score ## If the this hidden field is set to true, this form will record ## the score variables Score, Metric1, Metric2, Metric3, and Metric4 ## Note that this info will always be recorded during the final round ## of the simulation regardless of this hidden field
Please explain what kind of business strategy you used to start the simulation. For example, did you want to build a high payroll team? A low payroll team? What about expenditures for marketing? Ticket prices? Did you build a new stadium?
Please explain what happened in the simulation. Did your business strategy work?
Did you have to change your business strategy at any time during the simulation? If so, why? If not, why not. Did you borrow money to maintain your business strategy and "stay the course."