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There Have Got To Be Reasons

When Sunday, October 30th rolled around last weekend I was in a dilemmaÉ the Seahawks aren't on today, what am I going to do? It actually was a productive day, getting chores done, going for a long run, and watching games here and there. The day ended up being more that I thought it would, in that it caused me think a little more on a philosophical level about sports, and Seattle sports specifically. Where there is a rhyme there is a reason, where there is an action there is a reaction, and when it comes to championships, Seattle sports teams do not win them.

What I cannot figure out, one of the many things, is why we cannot win an NBA, NFL, or MLB championship to save our lives. I'm not talking about 25 or 30 years ago, I'm talking about the last two decades, something closer to the present. Is it due to history? Does Seattle just not have the history, the fan following, the superstitions, and the loyal players and sponsors like the New Yorks and San Franciscos of the world? That could be part of it, not enough of a base.

Or is it something more practical, more current, more right in our faceÉ like management? We tend to draft, trade for, and play up and coming players, and then trade themÉ interesting strategy. We teach them what they need to know, make them stars, and then trade them. All Seattle teams do this, and why? I think part of it is that there is little to no loyalty in sports in general, and I don't see anyone doing anything to foster a loyalty, fan/city-driven environment, it has become all about the moneyÉ I hear the Jerry Maguire coming out in me.

Seattle's problems stem from more than just loyalty and money, or so I believe. In terms of the Seahawks, so far this year, and most of last year too, and every year since the franchise has been up and running, we tend to lose the games that run down to the wire. You can blame it on coaching, on the players, on the field, rain, your horoscope, what you had for breakfast and what type of undies you happen to be wearing, but it probably has to do a little with all of that, or at least I tend to think so.

Point being, it has to do a little with everything I have mentioned thus far, but I think most importantly is the backing from management of each sports team. Maybe it isn't just the players, their egos and financial wants, but that team in the background, standing behind them, or that is what they should be doing anyway.

We have quite possibly the most beautiful stadium in the world, Safeco, and we should have a huge payroll for it since a couple years ago we were selling our many games there, but now our management team there refuses to spend any coin to bring in some decent talent.

We trade some of our best players away for double and triple A playersÉ how about we trade and spend some money on some big names, bring in some W'sÉ maybe that is it, pay for and bring the W's to us, don't try to build them from double and triple A teams./ There is a reason the Mariners are so terrible, so if you disagree with any of my random arguments, please tell me what you think. I would love to know why we have gone from one of the best teams in the nation to one of the worst, because there is a reason, at least one anyway.


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